Information Regarding

Employer Donation Matching

If you have arranged a donation match, please read this information carefully to help ensure your family is credited with any donations received from your employer.

Thank you for all the support you’ve given to our Spring 2024 Raccoon Run.

 We have come across a number of issues with employer donation matching:

·       PledgeStar is reporting a small number of families have submitted notice of a donation match, meaning that for many families, the donation matching box was not checked when online donations were made. This means we have no way to know what donations are in process.

·       Most employers use a third-party company (i.e. Benevity) to process employee donations/matches. Benevity requires 4-8 weeks to process donations and provide a report with the employee details. Based on this timeline, we will not receive the details on any donation made after March 31st until May 31st  - well after our donation prize deadline.

·       A recent Benevity report of donations made in March has come in with several employee names withheld (likely due to individual account settings). Without this information we do not know which student accounts to credit.

·       Some families gave their donation directly to their employer to process (and match); therefore, we have no advance notice of a donation being made, nor can we credit your student’s account, until it has been received.


To date, we have only been able to credit one donation match for our entire student body. We can see over $2,500 in Benevity donations currently being processed; however, the employee information (if available) will not be provided to us until the end of May.

We know many of you have spent a fair amount of time sending out donation requests and going through the process with your employers to match donations and we want to make sure your family fundraising total reflects that. To help credit families with all earned donations (including ones still being processed/or those yet to be made), we are starting a new tracking process for all employer donations.

To do this, we are asking families to please send us a receipt, report, or a confirmation email from your employer/third-party company for any donation matches you have arranged/requested. 

Even if we have not yet received the donation, we will credit your account once this confirmation is received.

Please note: Any type of donation made through an employer will be added to your family’s PledgeStar account as an offline donation. You may still show a pending employer donation, but these will now be logged as offline donations. By doing this you will be able to see the total funds raised (which is what we use to calculate prizes).

We ask families to please provide confirmation to us by Sunday, May 12th so we can accurately calculate prizes to be awarded starting the following week.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.


Thank you,

Raccoon Run Fundraising Team